Lunch Gathering 2018(2018-02-22)

Venue: SY Restaurant Muar

After Chinese New Year, we’re having a small gathering during lunch time. At work, we do our best and work hard together for a better life; Gathering is another world for us, and we will play without reservation. This gathering included our partner POS System Solution & IPS Business Solution. This not only a gathering, but it also help to foster relationship between us.

春节过后,我们在午餐时间举办小型聚会。 工作中 ,我们尽心尽力 ,为了美好生活一起努力拼搏;聚会是我们的另一个天地,我们会毫不保留的玩耍。这次聚会包括我们的合作伙伴 POS System Solution & IPS Business Solution。 这不仅是一次聚会,也有助于促进我们之间的关系。